Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Week 6B

Today we had critiques for our storyboard and everyone gave me very positive feedback.  The only thing that I need to work on is the timing.  The original animation I had would probably be about 10 seconds which I am completely ok with editing but my original vision is going to be changed dramatically.  Ill have to figure out a way to keep it creepy but shorter.

Logo Animation Storyboard

This is the storyboard I created for the VALVE logo animation.  The company creates very dark and gritty games so I wanted the animation to represent that idea.  Pannafino is going to look at it today and I hope he approves of it because I really want to see it in motion.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Week 6A

Today we talked about our new project and what we are expected to do.  We have to animate a logo in about 3 seconds to introduce it to an audience.  The animation and sound has to meet the theme of the company.  I've chosen to do the company "VALVE" for my project because it's my favorite gaming company and their games are always extremely creepy and heart pounding.  Since I don't think in a process kind of format, I basically already planned out in my head the project in its entirety.  Granted, how I'm imagining it probably won't be the end result because I'm just now starting to use After Effects but I'm going to do my best to create it.  I'll be uploading a storyboard tomorrow to show my general idea.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Video Collection

This is a collection of all of my videos made so far for this class.

Disgust:  In this video I animated some lines to emote the emotion "disgust."  I have the one line moving away from the other in disgust until it eventually crushes it and then becomes disgusted by the remains on it's arm.  This video took a lot of work but it was really fun to think of creative ways to show disgust and I think it came out well.

Dream:  This video was about a home invasion dream I had with a supernatural being.  The feeling of the dream was very dark, creepy, fast paced, and just very uncomfortable.  The whole class shuttered after watching it so I believe it got it's point across pretty well.

Rhythm:  I love to dance to a fast paced rhythm and beat so with this video I wanted to give off that vibe.  I made it very simple yet kind of entrancing.  You don't want to look away. It draws you in, just like the beat at a club.

Message in motion:  Kesha is my favorite artist so I knew I had to do a song of hers for this video.  Since it had to show repetition and predictability I decided on this verse from blow because she repeats a lot of works and phrases.  I animated the words to go with the rhythm and with what was literally being said.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Week 5B

We presented our kinetic text projects and I got mainly positive feedback.  The timing was a bit off but that can easily be fixed.  I also went to edit my other projects and I cannot find them anywhere so I am lowkey freaking out.  Theyre saved in video form on youtube but I can't edit them at all...

Week 5A

Class was cancelled but I still came in and spruced up some of my videos in accordance to the feedback I received.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Message in Motion

I chose the song "Blow" by Kesha because it has a very strong beat behind it and the words repeat themselves so it could become predictable like how Pannafino asked.

Week 4B

I was not able to attend class but I got the homework from classmates and I decided to make my message in motion based on the song "Blow" by the queen, Kesha.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Week 4A

We had critiques for our dream sequences and the class seemed to really enjoy mine.  We went over some new terms like Rhythm and Pace which I already have a pretty clear understanding of but it's nice to have a refresher.  We now have to create a short looped animation of the word Rhythm to create literal rhythm.  I want mine to feel like you're in a club with the base pounding.  I just hope I have enough time to do it well.

Dream Sequence Feedback

I was extremely pleased by the fact that almost everyone got the feeling I intended with this video.  Some of the comments I got to improve would be to better center the text so it doesn't seem to jump around the screen as much and then to take away the literal house in the field during the static scenes.  Other than that everyone seemed to get the creepy feeling I had intended.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Week 3 Outside of Class

The goal of this video was to make the viewer as uneasy as possible without showing direct images to scare them.  In order to do this I used the intervals of fast and slow paced images to create the feeling of being stalked.  The images I used were of old wallpaper because they give off a classic horror feeling without being obvious.  The overall dark imagery also plays into the horror aesthetic as well as the classic feel of the typography.  I don't know what it is about vintage things but they are creepy as heck.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Week 3B

We were assigned a new project based on a dream we had.  The video has to be 15 seconds long and we could only use textures and single words.  My dream is a nightmare about a man dragging me out of my house screaming while my family just it happen.  I have some ideas on what textures to use and words and I think it's going to turn out really well.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

My Dream

When I was in high school I had a major fear of someone breaking and entering my house in the middle of the night so of course I would have nightmares about it.  In my dream I awoke in my bed to the feeling that someone was watching me.  I looked around but didn't see anyone so I went to the top of the stairs to look down in the foyer and saw a dark figure standing behind the front door.  The door slowly unlocked and a man in a black suit and tie entered the house.  What was horrifying about him though was that he was floating about half a foot off the ground and his head was moving a twitching so fast that it became one giant blur.  Panicked, I screamed for my parents but no one heard my call.  The man began to float up the staircase with it's arms and legs motionless as I shot into my room and locked the door.  I grabbed a knife from my dresser and stood in the corner of the room farthest away from the door shaking and on the verge of tears when a shadow stood at my door.  The door unlocked and swung open as the man hovered into my room and stood there, watching me.  The knife in my hand flung across the room and into the wall as I felt my feet get pulled out from underneath me by an invisible force.  The man began dragging me out of the room and down the hallway.  I flooded the air with my screams for help when my sister's door opened and she stepped out to just watch me be dragged away.  My parents door then opened as well as they just stepped out and watch me be dragged by this faceless man.  The walls and stairs were being torn and scratched as I fought and grabbed at anything I could to save myself.  Ultimately my efforts were futile.  The pov then switched from my first person view to me watching myself being drug into the darkness out the front door.  The last thing I saw were my hands holding onto the doorframe until they were torn into the darkness, followed by a scream for help and then an ear piercing screech.  Thats when I woke up crying.

Line animation critique

Overall I got very positive feedback with how much effort I put into my work.  It didn't feel like 15 seconds because I put an actual narrative into it.  Honestly the only critical feedback I got was that towards the end when the sticks are fighting, the emotion seems to switch more towards anger and I completely agree.  I think in order to fix this I'll have to have the stick just run away from the other one rather than smash it.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Week 3A

We had in class critiques for our emotion animations today and I felt like mine went very well.  Everyone seemed to like mine and I got a lot of positive feedback on the fluidity and energy of my animation.  The only thing that was said that I needed to improve on was how towards the end of the video my on screen characters began to fight and that become more portrayed as anger rather than disgust.  I completely agree with their comments and I'll have to go back in and make the line act more annoyed rather than aggressive to tie back to the disgusted feeling.  The rest of the class had very good animations as well but I could tell a lot of people struggled more than others.  I think animation may be one of my strong suits because it's like telling a story through pictures and it just comes naturally to me.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Flash Line Animation (Disgust)

This is my 15 second flash animation video.  The word I was trying to convey was disgust and I feel like I did a pretty good job.  I showed disgust in multiple forms. For example, the line is disgusted by the other obnoxious line and keeps shifting away from it while it still pesters it. Finally the line smashes the object and sniffs the residue on its appendage and shakes it off in disgust.