Monday, March 16, 2015

Week 8A (Logo Animation Feedback)

I presented my logo animation in class today and got a lot feedback.  Everyone agreed that I presented the feeling of the company very well with it being very dark and scary.  They really enjoyed the twitching and slow floating rise of the pieces and how it gave it a possessed feeling.  To improve they suggested that I have the pieces fade in in a solid piece rather than a bunch of small pieces because when it comes in the way I have it, it overlaps and creates some weird shapes.  Also, they suggested that I make the original pile of pieces less blocky.  Pannafino also suggested having the pieces twitch and then snap into place quickly rather than slowly float to conserve time while still conveying the overall feel of the company.  I completely agree with every comment and had already thought about those small improvements before I presented it

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Logo Animation (VALVE)

I finished my animation and although it's now how I originally planned, I feel like it turned out very well still.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Week 7B

I was not in class but Pannafino talked to me later that day and told me what was due for the day we came back after break.  I wont be able to work on it during break though because I don't have access to any programs needed to make it.  I plan on going into the lab on sunday and finishing it then.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Week 7A

We had a snow delay but essentially all we did was work on our projects and I prepared my vectors for animation in after effects.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Week 6B

Today we had critiques for our storyboard and everyone gave me very positive feedback.  The only thing that I need to work on is the timing.  The original animation I had would probably be about 10 seconds which I am completely ok with editing but my original vision is going to be changed dramatically.  Ill have to figure out a way to keep it creepy but shorter.

Logo Animation Storyboard

This is the storyboard I created for the VALVE logo animation.  The company creates very dark and gritty games so I wanted the animation to represent that idea.  Pannafino is going to look at it today and I hope he approves of it because I really want to see it in motion.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Week 6A

Today we talked about our new project and what we are expected to do.  We have to animate a logo in about 3 seconds to introduce it to an audience.  The animation and sound has to meet the theme of the company.  I've chosen to do the company "VALVE" for my project because it's my favorite gaming company and their games are always extremely creepy and heart pounding.  Since I don't think in a process kind of format, I basically already planned out in my head the project in its entirety.  Granted, how I'm imagining it probably won't be the end result because I'm just now starting to use After Effects but I'm going to do my best to create it.  I'll be uploading a storyboard tomorrow to show my general idea.